1. The Forgotten Story of Japanese American Zoot Suitors
Because I teach in a predominantly Latino community, I know that this resource is going to be very popular when I use it in my US History class in a few weeks. Every year I teach about the infamous Zoot Suit riots that took place in Los Angeles during WWII when Mexican-American youth were badly beaten and arrested by US Sailors and the LAPD. My students love to learn about it because they finally learn about people who they can relate to; young, people of color who get attacked by the police.
I’m ashamed to say that I did not know about the Japanese American Zoot Suitors but I can’t wait to show my students their pictures. I think this will really allow them to see that Japanese-Americans were just as American as anyone else. Many played the same sports, dressed in the same style and probably listened to the same music as any of the other students of that generation.