Home Forums 1421 The Year China Discovered the World

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    To those who find this stuff interesting like myself, Gavin Menzie's book, 1421 The Year China Discovered the World, caught my attention in the session the other day. Menzie claims Zheng He who is a Chinese Muslim Emperor had a map that showed North and South America which also included an ice-free Antartica. Antartica has been covered with ice for the last 6000 years. Could the Chinese possibly have a map detailing and ice-free Antartica in 1421? Yes, possibly they could of. The Piri Reis map was drawn in Constantinople in 1513 showed an ice-free northern coast of Antartica. There is also the Oronteus Fineaus map of Antartica drawn in 1531 which shows mountains and rivers not found on the Piri Reis map. There was also the Mercator map drawn in 1569. Finally, the Philippe Bauche map which was drawn in 1737. Keep in mind that all of these maps were drawn after 1421, Antartica by this time was covered with ice. This leaves the question - who was around with the skill and knowledge to draw a map of an ice-free Antartica 6000 years ago. I believe that early Chinese civilization began around 3000 BC. I think we should ask the Atlanteans!


    Well, you certainly have my attention now. A side hobby of mine is reading about lost civilizations that appear to posses technology that we don't have even today (i.e. carefully fitted 750 ton blocks of stone as found in ancient Ba'albek - there is no crane today that can lift a stone that size). Of course to mainstream archeologists, such speculation is hogwash, but my question is, how can they ignore these irreconcilable facts?


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