For each of the cities we expect to visit, two participants are to initiate and nurture a discussion in separate forum threads. The idea is that each discussion leader will help introduce the city and will post links to interesting web resources or articles about the city (and its ties to other peoples and places). Raise questions, facilitate discussion - that is your assignment. Find and tell us something interesting about the place's past or its present. Can you find links between the city and your own state? Remember, the theme of the trip is linkages, so how is your city tied to others?
For each city, please create a new thread. Let's see which pair gets their city discussion going first.
Kaohsiung (Gaoxiong)
Carter, Tara Ann
Waltz, Kristen
DeCarter, Tamara
Valdez, Gabriel
Doll, Jon
Tsichlis, Christopher
Kroop, Stephanie
Tam, Jonathan
Lehr, Cynthia
Smith, Amanda
Linden-Wright, Dawn
Rodriguez, Anthony
Miller, Barbara
O'Connor, Jason