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  • #6646
    Laura Gonzales

    I don’t recall the exact lecture but I remember we were shown pictures of current day Beijing and all of the new gadgets and materialistic items that the wealthy people crave. We were shown pictures of an engagement and they almost seemed like magazine pictures promoting a brand. We were also shown a prosecution of extravagant cars that were used for a wedding. This proves that as China’s market are expanding and growing people are seeking better or more materialistic items. This lecute reminded me of a book I am reading called “Crazy Rich Asians” This is an over the top novel in which the characters are not just rich they are ridiculously rich. This book is a national bestseller. I recommend the book for anybody that would like to laugh a little. Of course the book is fiction and a little over the top but it puts into perspective the fact that people are very materialist and unfortunately that is a place were many developing countries are heading.

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