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  • #6773
    Natali Ramon

    I am a Spanish teacher and as a result I was looking for a website that I could use in my Spanish class or one that spoke on the ties between Asia and Latin America.  I found the following website:


    This website is hosted by the library of Congress in Chile and it hosts a variety of resources that has to do with all things Asia.  What is really helpful about this website for a Spanish classroom is that the content material is in the target language and it also offers a lot of information regarding ties between Asia and Chile.  In digging around the website, I also noted that a variety of countries are covered in publications, such as Korea, Taiwan, and Indonesia.  Additionally, the website also offers publications in English that speak upon how Latin America and Chile specifically can establish ties with Asia.

    In regards to how easy this website can me used, I would recommend it to students who have more developed reading skills in Spanish.  There is a lot of informational text and as a result, I would not recommend it for lower level Spanish classes.  The readings available in this website are geared towards more advanced students like AP Spanish students since the site offers plenty of practice for students to read the kinds of information texts that come out in the AP exam. 

    This site is also optimal for exploring contemporary Asia so I would recommend it for teachers who want students to learn about how Asian countries interact with other countries in the world stage today.

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