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Key Content Standard(s)- content & ELD: List the complete text of only the relevant parts of each standard. TPE 1 CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.11-12.1 CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.11-12.2 CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.11-12.3 Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas, concepts, and information clearly and accurately through the effective selection, organization, and analysis of content. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.11-12.2.A CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.11-12.2.B CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.11-12.2.C
Lesson Objective: What do you want students to know and be able to do at the end of this learning segment? Rationale
After the AP test, students will have more freedom to explore literary text. I would give this lesson at the very end of the year. Prior to entering this unit, students would have knowledge of literary elements present in songs, poetry, and literature. In this lesson plan, students will look at music from other countries and see how they are able to develop a theme through their rhetorical choices.
Assessments- Formal and Informal: How will you assess if and what students are learning? TPE 2 Formal: · Students will compose four journal entries. · Students will read two literary text and complete a Say-Mean-Matter Chart Informal: · RallyRobin · Ink-Pair-Share · Musical Shares
Modifications, Accommodations, Scaffolding- How will you adjust your instruction and assessments to meet the diverse needs of students (esp. language learners and/or special needs)? TPE 4 and 7
· Students will be encouraged to work with a partner when we analyze the informational text. · Students will be given more time on the Writer’s Journal.
Prerequisite Skills and Knowledge and Experiential Backgrounds. TPE 8 How will you access and activate students’ prior knowledge and connect to students’ lived experiences?
All of the questions for the Writer’s Journal will ask students to talk about their personal journeys.
Academic Language Vocabulary:
Other text structures, organizational, stylistic, or grammatical features that will be explicitly taught:
Instructional Learning Strategies to Support Student Learning. TPEs1,4,5,6,9,10
How will you 1) stimulate/motivate students by connecting the lesson to experiential backgrounds, interests and prior learning, 2)identify learning outcomes 3)present material, guide practice, and build independent learning, 4)monitor student learning during instruction, 5) build metacognitive understanding.
List what the students will be doing and what the teacher will be doing. Day 1 of 5
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Lesson Resources/ Materials TPE4 |
6 |
Work on Writer’s Journal.
Share your response with the person next to you.
High Five: Students will learn to quiet down when the teacher does a high five.
Students will now fill out what they know about South East Asia.
Students will fill out the K section and share their knowledge with their elbow partner.
Students will fill out the L section and share with their elbow partner.
Students will evaluate their charts.
HW: Brief aricle about Korean culture and KPOP.
“The limits of my language mean the limits of my world.” –Ludwig W.
What has been your experience with music that is not in English? What do you think they are about?
List 3-5 things you know about Korea
Facilitate discussion.
Facilitate class discussion.
Give students time to fill out the chart.
List what the students will be doing and what the teacher will be doing. Day 2 of 5
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Teacher |
Lesson Resources/ Materials TPE4 |
Writer’s Journal.
Small discussion.
Read article. Annotate using CUBS.
Say-Mean-Matter Chart.
“Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings.” –Salvador Dali
What type of themes or topics do you think are present in Korean music?
Facilitate discussion.
Handout Article about how KPOP has been growing into the U.S.
Students will complete a Say-Mean-Matter Chart based on the Article. |
List what the students will be doing and what the teacher will be doing. Day 3 of 5
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Teacher |
Lesson Resources/ Materials TPE4 |
8 |
Writer’s Journal.
Finish informational text.
Find two quotes to highlight.
HW: If you don’t finish the chart in class, finish it for homework.
“We can’t change the world unless we change ourselves.” –Tupac
What does this quote mean to you? How can people change the world? How will you make a difference? How can people be bias against new cultures
Facilitate discussion.
Give students time to find two quotes to highlight.
List what the students will be doing and what the teacher will be doing. Day 4 of 5
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Teacher |
Lesson Resources/ Materials TPE4 |
6 |
Writer’s Journal
Group Distribution.
Answer prompt.
Ink-Pair-Share |
“Be the change you want to see in the world.” –Gandhi
Is it possible for one person to make a difference? Where does the world need the most help? Why?
Next, list 3-5 people (living or dead) that have positively influenced you, society, or the world.
Students will be broken up into groups of 3-4 and one Korean song (music video) to review. They will create a poster examining what they See-Mean-Matter.
After they watch the videos, they will look up the translated lyrics of the songs and interpret the meaning. They must create.
How did the meaning of the songs differ from or were similar to the themes you thought were present?
Students will share their posters with other groups. |
List what the students will be doing and what the teacher will be doing. Day 5 of 5
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Lesson Resources/ Materials TPE4 |
44 |
No Entry. Students will spend the opening minutes reviewing their journals and improving any that they feel needs more work. They will also finish their KWL.
Students will need to write about how the music studied in class differed or were similar their explanations. They must also need to analyze the rhetorical strategies and literary used in the pieces.