This Korean film titled, "Little Brother" can be viewed on Amazon Prime Video. At first when I started watching it I hestitated because this film was not available in English only in Korean but had English translations. Although I had to read word by word to understand what was going on I HIGHLY RECOMMEND this film!! It was very emotional but funny at times. The storyline was about a 9 year old boy who always gets in trouble until his older brother is diagnosed with cancer. He is then forced to grow up and due to his encounter with his brothers friend at the hospital he learns a lot about what cancer is. In the end, he is someone completely different and matures. Even though it seems like he is alone most of the time he ends up helping and save his brother. For this film I can use it in the classroom to do character analyzation. I would have the student fill out a chart where they list what character traits the character has in the beginning, middle, and end. Then at the end they will be able to see and discuss the charatcer transformation from beginning to end.