These are not precisely films, but they are really nice snippets of Japanese life. As I watched the Gourmet Samurai I noticed how the wife in the series was always off doing something with friends or as part of a group, but seldom with the husband. I was told that it is often very common for this to happen, as duty to the company that the husband worked for often meant the wife was either working her job, or taking care of the children without too much of his help. I am unsure of the accuracy. I did like how the series introduces the foods and a few stereotypes from Japan. Particularly interesting was "Ketchup." I first read the subtitles and was waiting for "Heinz" to show up. However, ketchup is a generic term for tomato based sauce (they show it being made).
Midnight Diner also shows snippets of Japanese life, from the view of customers entering the diner. It also shows food being prepared, which makes you want to find and try new recipes. Samurai Gourmet has an episode about diners, and it matches almost exactly what they show in Midnight Diner. This would be a good source to introduce students to the similarities and differences in eating, socializing and cultures. A really fun way of finding out a little more than you knew before.