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  • #8544
    Katharine Davis

    Anyone teaching Japanese language and culture, or teaching ABOUT Japan, should be familiar with the amazing Japan Foundation. With resoucres for teachers and students in Japanese, English and several other langauges (as they have offices around the world), the are indespenisble in their support and advocacy for education about Japan.

    On the JF page, one of my favorite places to visit (and share with students!) is the Learning Resources page: https://www.jpf.go.jp/e/project/japanese/education/resource/index.html. The Japan Foundation has created so many fun and effective tools to either support teachers in the classroom or help those who are self-studying learn Japanese. (My students especially enjoy the Anime/Manga page! https://anime-manga.jp/ )

    I hope you find the Japan Foundation useful! Be sure to find your own country's main site as there are often workshops, resources and even grants intended to help support the learning of Japanese around the world!

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