Home Forums Teaching About Asia Forums Web Resources みんなの教材サイト/Minna no Kyouzai Site (for Japanese language teachers)

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  • #8531
    Katharine Davis

    The website URL: https://minnanokyozai.jp/kyozai/top/ja/render.do

    Its contents: Variety of resources that are useful to teachers of the Japanese language; created/maintained by the Japan Foundation. Resources include photos and illustrations, reading material, activity ideas, and a forum to connect with other teachers. 

    Evaluation of its use: Create a free account to gain access to thousands of useful resources. Once you have an account you can save resources you find particularly helpful on the "My Page" section. The site can be displayed in English or Japanese. Minna no Kyouzai also connects to many of the other Japan Foundation websites, like "Challenge with Erin" and "Marugoto."

    Some of the materials are dated, but the Japan Foundation works hard to continue updating content on Minna no Kyouzai site. They are also active and responsive on Facebook.

    How the website could be used with students: Minna no Kyouzai provides thousands of resources a Japanese langauge (or culture) teacher could use with their students. I find the Japanese-centered images particularly helpful. I have quickly created vocabulary cards with the illustrations they provide. There are also great photos about daily life in Japan, and also special events like festivals, traditions and celebrations.

    I have also found great activitiy ideas on Minna no Kyouzai site. Sometimes they are ready-to-go, sometimes they need some adjustments for me to use in my own classroom. But MnK site is a GREAT place to get ideas for Japanese language and/or culture lessons.

    I would not have my students directly access Minna no Kyouzai, as it is intended to be a website for teachers, but there are so many great resources there for teachers to use WITH/FOR their students.

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