Some of you may be famililar with 38 North. It is a great resource on North Korea. Their Satellite Imagery section is a great way to bring North Korea into my remote sensing class.
In this class my students learn about interpreting aerial photography. We discuss the guides to determining a feature - Shape, Size, Pattern, Shadow, Tone or color, Texture, Association, Site. For example, students know that roads are linear features and may be black or gray in color. In this assignment....
The student will be able to:
Understand Image Interpretation Guides
Examine the steps involved in image interpretation
Interpret air photos to find features
Part 1
Choose an article, read it and examine the imagery in the article
Which of the following features would be obvious to the ordinary person? (Bus, Building, etc.). Which of the following Image Interpretation guides were used for each of the obvious features (in your opinion)? What season do you think this image was taken in? Explain.
Part 2
Which of the following features would NOT be obvious to the ordinary person? (Test Stand, Submarine, etc.) Why? Which of the following Image Interpretation guides were used for each of the not obvious features (in your opinion)?
Shape, Size, Pattern, Shadow, Tone or color, Texture, Association, Site
Using the Image Interpretation Guides create a cheat sheet to help people interpret the non-obvious features in the image. For example, a bus = an elongated polygon found on a street or parking lot, etc…Students may have to complete some research using other sources than the article.
Part 3
Students should search for the location in Google Maps and examine similarities and differences.
It leads to a great discussion with my students.