“Aftershock” is directed by Xiaogang Feng. It’s a drama depicting the aftermath of the 1976 Tangshan earthquake in northern China. The three main characters are: Yuan Ni, who loses her husband during the earthquake; Fang Da, Yuan Ni’s son and Fang Deng, Fang Da’s twin sister.
During the rescue, Yuan Ni is forced to decide whether to save her son or her daughter because the twins are trapped under a concrete slab and only one child can be saved. Yuan Ni chooses her son Fang Da. However, her daughter Fang Deng overheard her mother’s choice. While everyone thought Fang Deng is dead, she miraculously survived. She is later adopted by a couple served in the military. For the next three decades, Yuan Ni lives with her guilt.
Many years later, an earthquake in China brought Fang Deng, who lives in Canada, back to China and joins the rescue team. She finally meets her twin brother by chance and reunites with her mother.
I like this movie and am deeply touched by the story. I think this movie will be appropriate for my students when discussing gender equality and one child policy in China.