Home Forums Teaching About Asia Forums Lesson Plans Ancient Chinese Artifact Find

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    Christine Moguel

    LESSON 2

    Grade Level: 12+    Subject: East Asian Ancient Artifacts

    Lesson Aim/Objective: The objective of this lesson is to expose students to the ancient artifacts used in daily life.  Using technology we will sharpen our research skills and find images that match different dynastic eras in China.

    Materials: Ipads, laptop, desk top computers, Projector, poster board, markers, lined paper, pencil, color printer.

    Common Core Standards:  Reading Standards for Literature K–5

    • Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers
    • Make connections between the text of a story or drama and a visual or oral presentation of the text, identifying where each version reflects specific descriptions and directions in the text.
    • Use information gained from illustrations (e.g., maps, photographs) and the words in a text to demonstrate understanding of the text (e.g., where, when, why, and how key events occur).

    Speaking and Listening Standards K-5

    • Speak audibly and express thoughts, feelings, and ideas clearly.
    • With guidance and support from adults, explore word relationships and nuances in word meanings. a. Sort common objects into categories (e.g., shapes, foods) to gain a sense of the concepts the categories represent.

    Motivation: The motivation for this lesson is for my special education students to become familiar with the art of the ancient Chinese artifacts as used in daily life.  They will be using their research skills to look up two websites to gather information.  The goal of this lesson is to sharpen our research skills, learn to identify different artifacts from ancient Chinese culture and learn their uses.


    1. Front load the students with key vocabulary they will be using as:



    Clay pots


    War weapons



    Household wears







    1. Have students look up these words i=on their ipads and have them click “images” to get a visual as to what each of the vocabulary looks like.  Have students pair share their thoughts on the images.
    2. Hand out a worksheet with a list of the two websites they will be looking up. http://www.ancientresource.com/lots/asian.html, and http://asian.sudokuone.com/
    3. Walk around and check to make sure the students have arrived at the correct site on their ipads, laptop, and desktop computer. 
    4. Instruct the students to answer questions about the artifacts listed on the worksheet. 
    5. Have them copy the description of the artifact on the worksheet under the name and dynasty of the artifact. 
    6. Have the students then write out or say what they think the artifact was used for.  They might get very creative with their answers.  Encourage students to include descriptions as to why they think the artifact was used in that manner.

    Assessment Activity:

    1. Work samples
    2. Responses to discussion question /informal observations
    3. Quiz
    4. Final presentations


    Follow Up:

    Encourage parents to join you on the community based instruction trip to LACMA to visit and see the artifacts with their son or daughter. 

    Insight the questions- what else can we learn about the ancient Chinese culture based on their artifacts we now have to study and admire.


      Text Box: Notes/Reflections/Reminders
•	Schedule a community based learning opportunity to visit the ancient Asian exhibit at LACMA- where students can see the artifacts we researched (in different shapes and possibly eras)but still worthy of learning from ancient artifacts..
•	 Watch YouTube videos on the first emperor of China- and get a closer look as to how the artifacts were used in ancient China.




    Tiffany Chang

    This is a great way for students to explore history independently! My elementary students still view history and social studies as reading a textbook or looking something up on Wikipedia and it is important to show how they can be historians as well! Using a variety of resources such as looking at maps and artifacts allows students to make their own observations and conclusions. It is a great activity to allow students to guess what the artifact was used for and write a description of its purpose and how it was used. I hope to do something similar to this with my students in the future so they can see how tools, utensils, and other inventions can look in different time periods. 

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