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    Web Page Review:
    Asia for Educators ‘An initiative of the Weatherhead East Asian Institute at Columbia University/ For Students & Educators at All Levels’ is a web page organized by world history time period. It breaks history into 11 categories: to 4000 BCE, 4000 - 1000 BCE, 1000 BCE – 300CE, 300 – 600 CE, 600 – 1000 CE, 1000 – 1450 CE, 1450 – 1750, 1750 – 1919, 1900 – 1950, 1950 – 2000, and the 21st Century. The first page has an easy to read, simple to use format that is packed with useful options.

    There is a related resources section, which includes an Online Museum Resource on Asian Art link and a recommended print and video resource page. It also includes a link to timelines and lesson plans. All of these are useful resources and a lot of fun to share with students. There is a professional development for teachers link as well which offers many interesting opportunities for further study.

    There are also six featured models, which are each represented by illustrative graphics and art. The modules are: East Asia in Geographic Perspective, Living in the Chinese cosmos, The Grandeur of the Qing Dynasty, China & Europe: What is “Modern”?, The Song Dynasty in China and the Mongols in World History.

    [font='Times New Roman']I used this page while doing my research for this class and found it useful. I found I could spend copious amounts of time perusing with out realizing it as one link leads to another and so on. I highly recommend this page to anyone who would like to further their knowledge of Asian studies and especially to teachers who want to spark interest in the world we live in for their students. [/font]


    I have used this page to collect art, maps, videos and handouts for use in the class.

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