The Baidu Story
I like words and their origins, so found this site from the Baidu search engine interesting. The phrase “baidu”, “a hundred times”, refers to a classic poem where the writer searches everywhere--”a hundred times”—for an idealized beauty, so the phrase is now an idiom for thorough searching. I appreciate that desire for a name that alludes to a classical idea, as I do not feel much enthusiasm for names like “yahoo” and “youtube”. The poem appears across a banner at the top of the page, which is also a nice nod to tradition. Of course, I suppose they are trying to distinguish themselves from that upstart, Google, and to borrow heft from China’s long traditions.
The second character, the "du", is here placed over a blue paw print, in the title, which I suppose is a reference to the Panda image of China. Or a phoneme for Panda in Mandarin?
The site also let’s us know that you can use “phonetic” or pin-yin searches now, to avoid shifting from one language to another and for those who are not sure of the character for their query. That must take a lot of doing on the technical end.
They also place ads by tracking user preferences, a model they seem to be taking credit for. I think Google might dispute that. It's interesting to peruse comments on articles about how hard it is to like Baidu; some readers say that Baidu users are "low-educated" (Alvin Chao, 12 10 2010, on How Baidu Won China, Busineswswekk and not given to much introspection about their government or information policy in China.
There are links from this page to other information on the company, but I had just searched the name and found this page interesting.
edited by mmukai on 3/6/2011