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    I found this book that might be helpful in terms of research or just for kicks.

    The Asian Mystique: Dragon Ladies, Geisha Girls, & Our Fantasies of the Exotic Orient
    by, Sheridan Prasso

    Amazon $11.15-18.45

    Here is what one reviewer said: "As a Viet Kieu, I am impressed by Sheridan's knowledge of Asian women and I read with delight and deep interest her book "Asian Mystique". It is well written, concise, and deep in knowledge as well as in thought. No one in the past has dug deeper into Asian woman psyche than she has in her book. Asian women are far from being simple or submissive, as the tale goes. They are not only subtle and gentle, but also complex, goal oriented, calculating and can be domineering. They have been known to topple kings, emperors, and governments in the apst without even holding officially a position of power. They therefore are not weak, but simply display self-controlled inner strength. In Vietnam, they are known as the Noi Tuong (Minister of the Interior: they run and control the household) compared to the Ngoai Tuong (man: Foriegn Minister dealing with outside business). Their real power lies in their pulling the strings behind the scenes, in an unsuspected, unacknowledge, and at times Machavellian manner."

    I know some people might need to use sources to back up the transition of women's roles or women's social/economic/political positions throughout the centuries. This might be helpful & a good read for those power women out there (and interested men too!)
    [Edit by="awang on Apr 28, 10:31:01 AM"][/Edit]

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