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LESSON SUMMARY: Students will analyze The Sword in the Stone and Was There a Real King Arthur? by analyzing the visual artifacts and artwork of the period presented in their textbook, and comparing-contrasting them to some of the paintings, photographs, and posters presented during the Exploring East Asian Visual Culture sessions. The same questions provided by Professor Dube on poster analysis will be used to guide the thinking process and group discussions.
-Tuesday 7/31 Afternoon Session – Clay Dube: a selection of Chinese posters and guiding questions to elicit student interest and inference. The guiding questions are:
1. What is depicted? What can you see happening?
2. What message is being offered? How is this conveyed visually?
3. Discuss the use of colors, size, expressions, oppositions.
4. Without referring to other sources of information, what time period or movement do you think the poster is from?
-East Asia Roots: a curriculum project by a USC-China Institute participant in the High School Ideas section of the forum that incorporates the reading of East Asian authored memoirs with the writing and illustrating of children's books.
-Japanese Kamon: web resources provided by a USC-China Institute participant with plenty of information about Japanese symbols and lineage that students can compare contrast to the symbols and emblems in the artifacts about King Arthur and swords depicted in their textbooks.
W. 9 – 10.9 Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.
R.L. 9 – 10.4 Determine the meaning of words/phrases as they’re used in the text, including figurative language and connotative meanings.
W. 1.3 Use clear research questions and suitable research methods (e.g., library, electronic media, personal interview) to elicit and present evidence from primary and secondary sources.
W.L. 9 – 10.3 Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, well-chosen details, and well- structured event sequences.
ESSENTIAL QUESTION: What Makes a Hero? (EDGE B – Unit 3)
LANGUAGE OBJECTIVE: Students will report a group consensus using correct subject-verb agreement.
TEXT: EDGE Level B (Unit 3)
UNIT STRUCTURE: 3 days (90-minute each day)
Day 1
What is depicted? What can you see happening? Please explain.
In pairs, create and share a new Google Doc. Then answer questions 1-4 on page #221 using evidence from the story. |
Day 2
ROLES Symbolism Analyzer: 2-3 slides comparing-contrasting the symbols in Medieval England's artifacts to Japanese Kamon symbols. Imagery Specialist: 2-3 slides comparing-contrasting the imagery in paintings about King Arthur to the one in paintings about Japanese emperors. Evidence Collector: 3-4 singificant sentences and the explanation of their significance.
Day 3