Film: Asokaa Santosh Sivan picture, Starring Shah Rukh Khan and Kareena Kapoor
The only concious reading I did about Asoka up to this point, was the few paragraphs in the 6th Grade Social Studies book. The film is set in the 3rd Century B.C. when Asoka "raged one of the bloodiest wars in history." The film makers are the first to admit that the film is based on legend. I'm just sorry that it is rated "R" and can not be shown in school. Legends credit Asoka with the spread of Buddhism outside the borders of India. It is said that he was so disgusted with all needless taking of life during the war that he waged against Kalinga, that he decided to dedicate his life to the spread of non-violence and Buddhism. Which raises a question for Clay. Was Ghandi's non-violence against the British occupation of India a result of Buddhist traditions or Hindu traditions or both? How does your answer impact Dr. King's following of non-violence and the Ghandi tradition of passive resistance? Or was it really passive?