Dr. Dube, this is such a great resource that you have shared with us!
At the beginning of the school year, a student survey is given to all my students so I might get to know them a bit better. I feel that each of my class periods are unique, and given this special makeup of different students, the classroom can become a powerful learning community. This being said, once I read and compile all of the student survey questions and answers, a pie graph is made and is shown to each of my six periods of students. This way, not only me, but my students are able to get to know each other on a more individual basis, and hey you in the grey hoodie! This connection is truly powerful and I totally get to know my students in a more extended and personal way.
This year was fun and with this cool opportunity, I plan to use this free resource with my Economics students, who are seniors. Since they are on their way to college, university, and ultimately, jobs knowing more about finances is a powerful idea. One of the questions that is asked on the student survey is: How much time do you spend daily talking (with minimal interruptions) to your parent, grandparent, or older sibling? I was pleasantly surprised this year because the majority of my seniors spend between five and fifteen minutes each day speaking with a family adult member. Now, I plan to introduce more financial information to these graduating high school students who are reaching the age of majority soon, and enlighten them with additional critical content. Thanks so much for sharing this valuable link, and I am looking forward to share this with my students.