Home Forums global institute basics

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  • #3661
    clay dube

    We'll use this corner of the forum to share announcements and materials.

    clay dube

    UCLA students participating in the HK Global Institute are eligible to apply for a Freeman Global Institute Scholarship. The application form is attached. Those selected for the award will receive $2,000. Please note the application deadline: 5 pm, May 31, 2006.

    clay dube

    Attached, in pdf form, is a guide to using the discussion forum. Since you are reading this, you may not need it, but the guide includes information about inserting "hot" links (click on the "link" icon in the message screen to do this) and attaching pictures or documents.

    clay dube

    Attached is a copy of the 2005 syllabus. Prof. Baum will again be the Institute director.

    clay dube

    Prof. Baum's syllabus from 2005 is attached.

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