A good website to check out for a global viewpoint on all of Asia is http://www.asiaweek.com. It has an especially good features section. I was able to quickly find a great article about "The Asian of the Century" which discussed the most influential Asians in a variety of areas such as Politics and Government, Business and Economics, Arts, Literature and Culture, Science and Technology and Moral and Spiritual Leadership. I also found a list of 20 concepts that defined the region over the last century. I had no idea that golf played such an important role in politics.
I like this website because it gives a very Asian-referenced viewpoint that seems uncensored by our media or viewpoints. It is also organized well in that you can find information based on geographical areas in Asia such as South Asia, East Asia, Southeast Asia and Central Asia. The website addresses Asia as an entire geographical region. This website would be quite easy to utilize in the classroom and could provide a wealth of stimulating information and enrichment activities.