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    Mario Ruiz

    URL: https://www.howtostudykorean.com/

    This is an awesome website for anyone looking to learn some Korean. It's virtually free and the only items that cost money are any of the supplementary materials like the workbooks. However, the supplementary materials are very affordable at only $5.00 each. It's a easy website to navigate and no account needs to be created when completing the course. Anyone who signs up can start at any point of the units and lessons, so if you're an intermediate speaker, you can fast forward to units that are later in the curriculum. This would be a wonderful addition in a history class as key Korean vocabulary words could be learned throughout the history lessons.

    Jasmine Weeks


    After learning about the two Koreas, I am interested to learn some Korean for myself.  I recommend Koreanclass101 because it incorporates all the four modalities in sucessful language learning: listening, speaking, reading and writing.

    For novice like me, it is important to be able to listen to the pronunciation of vocabulary words from a native speaker.  Korean101 has the vocabulary words introduced for each lesson broken down into syllabus, explained the meaning, repeated and used in contacts.  Students may repeat after the teacher several time and even play back the video to lsiten again.  Repetition and usage is a good reinforcement of language learning.  

    Although there is no direct teaching of reading and wriitng, espcially the grammer, the newly inroduced vocbulary words are found at the end  each lesson in a written conversation.  Students may choose to listen and read over and over again the entire conversation in Korean, English or romanized words.  So, motivated learners may choose to copy the vocabulary words. Writng has been proven to reinforce memory and thus aid in words recognition down the road.  As mentioned above, altough there is no direct teaching of grammar in the video, there is, howwver, grammer points presented at the end of the page to further explain how and when the vocabulary words are used appropriately in the culture. This is essential since we know that language and culture are closely tied to one another and knowing how and what to say in circumstances display respect and acculturation.

    Korean101 also has other paid programs that would allow learners to receive more material for avid learning.   There is also a free "word -of-the-day" feature to remind you to push on if you forget to put in the learning time.  

    I recommend this website for starters and motivated learners.  You do need to have access to a reliable computer to access the website.  


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