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    great ideas about clip art, and animated graphics, sound and movies

    forgive me if u know this already....one thing to keep in mind...most people still use dial up.... so animation, sound, etc takes forever to load....

    when u create a page with those wonderful elements,
    design it, so people have a choice whether to see & hear such the larger memory items.

    [Edit by="cforfar on Sep 11, 10:05:56 AM"][/Edit][Edit by="cforfar on Sep 26, 8:27:50 PM"][/Edit]


    i didn't know of the terms 'gaiko' and 'maiko'

    geisha photo journal at:

    http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/shared/spl/hi/picture_gallery/04/asia_pac_geisha/html/1.stm%5BEdit by="cforfar on Sep 26, 8:27:22 PM"][/Edit]


    VERY interesting article about a Women's secret language in China.
    Yang Huanyi; Last Speaker of a Secret Women's Language

    By Henry Chu
    Times Staff Writer

    September 28 2004

    Yang Huanyi, the last surviving writer and speaker of an enigmatic language invented and used only by women in a small pocket of central China, has died. She was believed to be in her late 90s.

    The complete article can be viewed at:
    (cut and paste the link below)


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