Home Forums Teaching About Asia Forums Asia in My Classroom Ice Sculptures in Harbin

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    Snow and Ice festivals have taken place in Harbin for decades, but the
    2003 and 2005 festivals have topped all of the past years with amazing
    artistry and magnificence in orginality and technique. Listed below is
    the web site, where you can view some of these amazing works. What
    stands out to me is the vastness of the project and the intricacy of the
    design involved. Those who are photographers and artists will most
    certainly be able to appreciate the dedication to excellence present in
    these pieces of temporary artwork. Enjoy the web site and I hope that
    you are able to gain even more appreciation for the culture and artistry
    of the Chinese.



    There was an article yesterday (washington post) on the rapid melting of the ice sculptures in Harbin =(


    I just found out about this amazing ice festival! I saw pictures of the sculptures on the web while searching for lesson plan ideas. I am not sure if the "ice slide" is an annual entry, but that is one I would like to try!

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