Home Forums Teaching About Asia Forums Web Resources If I have to go to China and have to teach 20th Ce

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    Since I don't teach History and I need to go refresh my memory once in a while, I end u finding interesting material as I search for answers.
    For the list of 5 things that we should teach if we have to be teaching in China about 20th Century USA, I started asking people around me for ideas and most of them gave me ideas about WWs, 911, the intervension of USA on Berlin, etc. And since I like to search online, I found this which i can use as a guide and expand more and to create the lessons I am going to be teaching in China next time this program takes us there :o)

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    Here is a post in 'Facing History and Ourselves' (you'll have to type in 'facinghistory.org') .....I haven't read the book mentioned in the post. Any feedback from anyone who has read it would be appreciated.

    Facing History and Ourselves
    Ji-li Jiang, author of 'Red Scarf Girl,’ tells her story of growing up during the tumultuous years of the Cultural Revolution in China. As a teenager when the revolution began, she was forced to make "choiceless choices" between loyalty to her family and loyalty to the party or to the State. We will be hosting an online workshop for educators on 'Red Scarf Girl' Jan 23-27. Register today or forward to an educator!

    Online Professional Development Opportunity - Red Scarf Girl Online Workshop
    Helping teachers through professional development, support and classroom resources that encourage reflection and dialogue about tolerance and justice, using the Holocaust, the civil rights movement and other historical event/

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