Home Forums Teaching About Asia Forums Web Resources Japan-Modern East Asia

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  • #8166
    Maria Cardenas

    This website contains information from Japan. There is an essential question in the beginning students can answer based on the information provided in the website. "How did Japan's Geography Impact its Development?" There are four brief topics: Geography of Japan, China's influence, Shintoism, and Samurai; there is about a paragraph of reading for each, a map, and two images. This website also has key vocabulary words to help students understand what they are reading. There is a quick review that tests students understanding of the reading Japan. Students can also see two videos in the Resources section that are about Japan. This website is a good introduction about Japan. After students read, answer the questions, and watch the videos they will have a better understanding about Japan. There is a section titled "Connection to Today" asks students some questions about Japan's economy. Students will have to research in order to answer the questions.

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