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  • #7606
    Haena Shin


    The Korean Cultural Center Los Angeles is a local and wonderful resource for educators. I was personally able to take my school on a field trip here with the help of the transportation grant that KCCLA graciously provides for interested schools. During our visit, we were able to look at artwork and current events in relation to the PyongChang Winter Olympics. In addition, we learned about the traditional culture, language, and history of Korea throughout our tour. We were also able to go next door and learn about K-pop, animation, games, technology, entertainment, and even partake in the simulation of some Olympic games. At the end of our tour, KCCLA also gifted each student with a cute souvenir puzzle to assemble at home. 

    In addition to these tours, KCCLA also provides events, courses, and workshop that tie in Korean culture, as well as Chinese and Japanese culture by partnering with local cultural centers to host, sponsor and co-organize for performing art events. They also provide a Korean Language Program, which I think Professor Jennifer Jung Kim mentioned she teaches. 

    Every summer, KCCLA provides a weeklong Korean Institute for educators in which they provide breakfast, lunch, a salary point, and tours to various field trip locations throughout Los Angeles. KCCLA is a great resource for educators and has a lot to offer!

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