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  • #2884
    Keymaster is a website devoted to giving the user information about the Korean War. The site is very specialized in giving information on each nation involved in the war. The website has the flags of all the nations involved divided between two groups: the Communists and the United Nations. Each nation's flag has its name under it as a thumbnail, and the user would click on the flag & receive information about that country's involvement in the Korean War. Interestingly, the United Nations has its own flag/thumbnail which can be clicked for information on UN involvement in the KW. The information for each nation's involvement/history in the KW is predominantly statistics (number of soldiers fought, dead, wounded, taken as POW's, etc.) Depending on the involvement of the nation, sometimes a detailed narrative describes the history of that nation's involvement in the Korean War and the extent of that nation's involvement. For example, a high school student/teacher would get more information on America and South Korea's involvement in the KW when clicking under the US or South Korean flag/thumbnail, yet that student/teacher would get less information when clicking under the flag/thumbnail of a nation with fewer troops involved in the KW, ie the Philippines & South Africa. There are no pictures or videos to accompany the information for each nation, and so the high school student who works best with visuals/pictures would not benefit from photos on Still, the high school student accustomed to working with straight statistics and pure historical narrative would benefit from getting information on each country's involvement in the war. The information for China and the USSR's involvement in the war includes the perspectives of the Communists who fought in the war, in addition to some straight statistics on their involvement. Because of the extent of American and Soviet involvement, especially in air combat, specific statistics give details on the involvement of certain Army and Air regiments from the US & USSR. Finally, although the website lacks photos and videos, a high school student would also benefit in seeing the flags of each country involved in the KW, and thus, s/he would learn about the flag of that nation involved in the Korean Conflict.

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