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  • #11996

    can you tell me how to post lesson plan. Thank you


    Hi! Go to the top of this page and click on "Forums" then find "Lesson Plans" and click on that. Then scroll all the way down to the bottem of the page and over on the far right in small writing click on "New Topic" Put in the title of your Lesson and a brief description then Click on "attach files" and upload your Lesson Plan that you have saved on your "Desktop". I hope this helps.


    How can I find Shah, Monica's Lesson plan? I appreciate if anyone could show me the link.


    I will be posting my Lesson Plan at 6:00 PM tonight and driving to deliver it tomorrow. I did not realize it was due on the 11th of July, but thought it was due on the 15th. I apologize to my colleagues for this last minute post. I have been having technical difficulties with my laptop and am working right now between a Mac that won't let me log on to this site and a PC that does not have microsoft word. I will be going to KINKOS to print.
    edited by mfraser on 7/10/2011


    Try the topic named "Chinese Philosophers & Their Impact on Literature" by mcshah. I think that's Monica Shah's lesson plan. Good luck!

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