Home Forums Teaching About Asia Forums Lesson Plans Medieval Japan Lesson 2- Cathie Roberson

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    great lesson plan and organization of the unit. however, i am confused on how you are going to present the Tale of Gengji. Are you reading excerpts, and which ones? Are you showing one of the movies? And which manga version? Lynn provided lots of different manga versions so I am unclear as to which one. What is your objective for the lesson about the tale of genji? Also, where is your anticipatory set, input, guided practice, independent practice, etc.? I think you might need a more in-depth lesson plan, not just an outline for the unit. And when exactly are you doing the flip book? i really like that idea for a culminating project, but how long do the students have to complete that assignment? i just think more clarity is needed


    Thank you for your comments, the lesson objective is included with the total number of days for student work. The flipbook is done at the end of each of the lessons. This lesson plan is one of 4 lesson plans totaling 12 days. My lesson plan consists primarily of activities that will reinforce other lessons taught by my co-horts, as I am a Resource Teacher. I added activities to each of their lessons to enchance their learning modalities. I would love to use Lynn's comic version of the Manga however, I could not find it (that is why I did not make a specific reference to one, do you know where it is on our site?) My lesson plan does not include the exact format you indicated, each day I think I have included a task and corresponding student work to accompany my cohorts lessons. I will list the web sites for the referenced sites I have included in the lesson plan. Thanks again and Good Luck to you.


    This assignment is a collobaration among history teachers and Resource teacher at Barack Obama Global Preparation Academy. The unit is a 12 day lesson plan. I am the Resource Teacher. I am responsible for lesson 2.
    edited by CathieDR1 on 1/6/2012

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    got it, just wanted to make sure all parts of the lesson/class were being covered. great lesson though, really creative! i am not sure where to find Lynn's stuff. I couldn't find anything online, but i did find this link with an anime video, if you want to change your lesson a bit. http://celestialkitsune.wordpress.com/2008/11/03/asakiyumemishi-tale-of-genji-anime/

    good luck, and again, great planning!

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