Home Forums movie "Wasabi"

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    Wasabi is an interested and very funny multicultural movie, with French and Japanese protagonists, set for the most part in Japan, and done in the style of a French farce. (Someone who has been to Japan for more than 24 hours will have to establish its Asian cultural authenticity.)

    The cross cultural element is heightened by a cross generational twist- a nineteen yr old Japanese girl is in some secret danger... a much older French policeman and his sidekickare trying to protect her and figure out what the danger is at the same time. There's some shoot em up but it is so stylized it comes across like a dance number between the hero and the local bad guys. The teen has some exagerated versions of teen characteristics, like wanting to just go shopping, that add to the farce and the intricacies of trying to solve the mystery. My recommendation to see it is surprising, since I generally don't care for farce. slapstick,or sit com. (preferring standup, etc.) But this movie is continually poking fun itself and the actors seem to be having such a good time!

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