The National Institute of Korean History ( has a large array of resources, though some are only in Korean. Some of those in Korean have the option of translation, while others do not, and some have a button for "English." What I found useful here was going to the "Contents" tab and clicking the English button to access resources in English about Korea. The site is oriented toward Koreans/2nd generation Koreans living abroad and talks about "our" ancestors and so on, but I think it's useful in any classroom. There are a variety of images and short videos about technological developments (example) or you can access a Korean textbook for elementary students (don't be scared by the first page in Korean- when you click on it, you will see English.) There are also a lot of images from all time periods of Korea's history.
If students had their own devices, a teacher could allow them time to browse as an introduction to Korea, especially since there are videos on foods and clothes, as well as temples and historic sites. For my 7th grade classes I could then use the video clips in a more focused way as an introduction to a lesson on technological developments or Korean Buddhism, or I might assign groups each a different video for them to present the information to the class in a jigsaw. It would not be enough material to use exclusively, but it would be a great supplement to whatever basic information the teacher has already.
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