Home Forums Short Online Seminars Contemporary China, Spring 2020 Orientation Session (no assignments) - January 28

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  • #7679
    clay dube

    Hi Folks -- Please take a moment to post the question you raised during our discussion. No introduction to it is needed, but let's keep a record of what interested you at the start of the class.

    Billie Johnson

    Hello!  The question I raised was a general question 'Why does China matter?' I like being a source of information for my students and enlightening them where I can. Thank you!


    How have LGBTQ+ issues, women's issue and other social dynamics changed?  How has the film/TV industry fueled these changes? To what degree have Xi Jinping's policy's slowed down or halted social changes?


    Vera Chiu

    Will Xi,Jinping's "China Dream" and governing power be crashed through the outbreak of recent global pendemic?  Will China consider switching or at least reforming its government system from one-party Communism to a pro-democracy or Western country's open socialist government?  Perhaps throgh this horrible experience, when China's is considering unification with Taiwan, should China consider a step-by-step peaceful and "learning" approach with equality and respect  to Taiwan?

    Billie Johnson

    Unfortunately, pandemics happen so I do hope that this potential one does not act as a roadblock. I think this is a learning opportunity for all affected countries. 

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