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How come the face appeared on my post? I don't remember clicking it and when I tried to edit my post to remove it, it wasn't there.
Site Reviewed: Page: "Mao Tse-Tung" at Moreorless: Heroes & Killers of the 20th Century, http://www.moreorless.au.com/killers/mao.html
I put myself in the shoes of a middle school student looking for information about Mao Tse-Tung. When I Googled "Mao Tse Tung," I found the 7th entry which I clicked on and am about to review.
The title of the page is "Mao Tse-Tung," but it is part of the author's "Killer File." This was rather alarming from my perspective as a teacher. But to a student, this may only give him information that he is an evil man--definitely then, a very biased site. I searched the site for information on the author (which students generally do not do) and found that the author is an independent researcher and has no affiliation with an organization or political party. The author explains that the information is gleaned from credible sources on the internet and from credible published texts. One must be cautious about information obtained only from internet sources as sometimes there is a perpetuation of misinformation. But the author claims he used credible sources from the internet (hopefully, he knows how to evaluate them). While it appears that the author has done a great deal of research, one must be wary of using the information from this source without corroborating the information with other reliable, credible sources. If a student used only this site as his source of information, I would encourage the student to verify facts against other sources (other than Internet .com sites). It is biased sites such as these that we must teach students to be careful with. It is the same as students searching for information on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., googling it, and naively using a site that is written by the KKK.
This is a great website for students to do some research about China on-line. There are a lot of facts, videos, photos, maps, and even music for people to know more about China. The teacher may use it in the social study class, geography class, and Chinese language class. It will be fun for students to search information on this website. The address is
This is also a very interesting website related to China. There are not only key facts about China in this website, but also books and other links about China too. Students can use this website to do research about China and link to other useful websites.
The website address is http://www.kidport.com/RefLib/WorldGeography/China/China.htm
[Edit by="sfamekao on Jun 30, 10:55:56 AM"][/Edit]
This is a great website to find information about Chinese culture. You can find a lot of information about Chinese culture and traditions. There are also some exchange program opportunities posted on this website. The best one is about "China in Classroom". You can use some ideas on this website in your class to introduce Chinese culture and traditions to your students. The website is http://www.chinaculture.org
This website has a lot of information about traveling to China. My students use it to search useful information when I ask them to do a group project-to arrange a trip to China. You can click on any underlined key words to search related information. It also introduces Chinese history by periods and dynasties. It's very user friendly and easy to understand. The website address is
This is a great website about Asian countries. The best part for teachers is that there are a great amount of lesson plans created by teachers that can be used in the classroom. The lessons are designed for social study, science, language arts, as well as art classes. What a great source for teachers to plan their lessons. The website is
This website has a lot of tools to help students learn Chinese language. I always ask my Chinese I students to go on this website on the first day of the class to get their own Chinese names based on their gender, English names, and their birthday. They love to do that. The user can also get a lot of Chinese cultural information about festivals, numbers, and family from this website. Try to get your own Chinese name too. It's fun.
The website is http://www.mandarintools.com/
In searching for information in order to help me with a lesson plan on creating a game, I came across this website, http://www.Chineseculture.about.com. It is a site containing lots of sources with many substitles, including everthing from Mythology, Chinese names, characters, culture, learning to speak Chinese, just about anything that you are interested in finding.
Another informative website dealing with Music, Chinese Customs, Chinese Festivals and Celebrations, and Decorative Arts. I was interested in seeking out additional information about Chinese Customs. It gave me the added information needed to find out about traditional games for class lesson plans.
Like a boob I posted all my responses on the UTLA site. I did not see this until after I posted all five.
Clayton or Kami, please let me know what I should do.
I wish I could copy and paste, but, alas, no luck. Could you transfer the postings from the UTLA forum to the AIMC forum?
Thanks[Edit by="vortiz on Jul 1, 12:53:21 PM"][/Edit]
If any of you are interested in the Olympic Games, this is the official website of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. It tells you anything that you want to know about the games such as the design of the Olympic symbol, opening and closing ceremonies. This is must site if you plan on using the event in your classroom lessons.
I placed this website information in another location on the forum. Now, that I know where to post the information, I am going to give out the website once again. This is a good site to get some basic ideas on teaching Chinese lessons in the classroom. It also has some pictures that might be useful.
If you want the latest headlines and top stories in China, this is a great website. There are many subtitles available and the site is very user friendly.
When I read the news about the movie "Nanking", I found this website. This fundation is established in memory of Iris Chang, author, historian and human rights activist. Iris Chang was the writer of several great books. One of them is “The Rape of Nanking: the Forgotten Holocaust of World War II,” published in 1997. The movie "Nanking" is based on this book. Chang committed suicide in 2004.
The Fund is committed to carrying out Iris Chang’s unfinished dreams and preserving her legacy. She shared with Global Alliance the belief that only from truth in history can we secure justice for victims, safeguard humanity from repeating mistakes of the past, and bring about genuine reconciliation and lasting peace among all people.
The goals of this foundation is to educate the public about the importance of remembrance of history, raise the awareness of the painful history of World War II in Asia and support education and research of young generations in U. S. with regard to Asian war history. Therefore, the foundation holds an annual essay contest on a topic in line with Iris Chang’s spirit and passion in seeking historical truth and justice. They also support research and archival of oral history, provide scholarships to history study, and select teachers for the China Study tour. On the website you can also find a lot of great essays talking about how Chang's books impact their studies and lives. This is a great website for you to visit.