The card that I picked out of the deck of propaganda cards was very difficult for me to find on the internet. Since I am not computer liberate I do not/didn’t know how to e-mail it to me. However I search high and low for this card, for many days and then just like that it appeared.
Since I did not know how to e-mail me the card that I was to review and write about, and it seemed like the people I know , who should have been able to help me out couldn’t , (they are computer literate), either they did not have the time, were too busy or just plain didn’t want to help me out,(mean people). So I am left with just trying to describe the card. On the card It has three people in it, (I assume), a soldier, a peasant and a worker, looking straight on all holding a white book, unlike what Professor Dube talked about a/ the little red book. The card shows a red sun and a mountain with water splashing upon it. The people in the card look happy, and in the bottom of the card it reads, “Do revolution and read Chairman Mao’s works in whole life”. But this propaganda picture/card represents the Chinese Cultural revolution, where Maoism and Marxism started to take place. It shows the unity that the people of China held or at least tried to show. Like LAUSD teachers, s showing our unity by wearing red on Tuesdays.