Home Forums Core Seminars Rise of East Asia, Fall 2017 Propaganda Card

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    Chinese Propaganda

    The Moa Zedong’s goal of each poster was to show and teach illiterate Chinese people throughout China’s providences to show and teach what sort of behavior was considered morally correct and how great the future of Communist China would be if everyone followed the same path toward utopia by uniting together across all social classes. Combining fact and fiction in a way typical of propaganda art, Mao was an omnipresent force that would accompany China to happiness and greatness.

    The cult-like admiration in all propaganda of Mao Zedong showed one important aspect of traditional Chinese believe of an emperor’s role as mediator between heaven and earth, and, thus, as a quasi-divine figure.

    “The military propaganda monuments and artwork promoting Qing conquests in the western provinces set the prototype for much of the Communist emphasis on military victory and honoring brave soldiers.”11 Villages were portrayed as welcoming to all wounded soldiers and these soldiers were treated with kindness by villages.

    11. Joanna Waley-Cohen, “Commemorating War in Eighteenth- Century China,” 899.


    Throughout Chinese history, the pictographic origins of characters used in propaganda have been used for thousands of years throughout many legendary emperors. Always presented a way for the state to euphemistically add positive or negative connotations to names or ideas. Dynastic names and titles were always euphemistic, so that simply reading the names of the Ming 明 (bright) Dynasty or the Qianlong 乾隆 (glorious beginning) Emperor brought a history of positive connotations to the reader. 

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