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Lesson Plans on Gender in East Asia
Medieval World History
In 7th grade World History we have a unit on Asia, including East, Southeast, and South Asia. I start the year with a brief review of the Byzantine Empire, followed by the rise and spread of Islam, the rise of empires in Africa, and then proceed with the unit on Asia, beginning first with South and then East Asia. (However, following the California Framework, one could teach about Europe in the first semester, including the Crusades, and follow with Asia.) One area of focus is on contact among different groups through exploration, trade, and religious missionary work, so students will already have knowledge of Ibn-Battuta, and in this unit will compare his travels to those of Marco Polo, and the observations of people from one culture learning about another.
In this series of lessons students will analyze primary and secondary sources to study in some depth the perspective and place of women in China, Korea, and Japan during this period, and decide to what degree women had autonomy and influence in these feudal cultures. At the end of the unit students will assume the role of a European or African traveler in Asia, and write travel journal entries making observations about one of our areas of study.
7.3.1. Describe the reunification of China under the Tang Dynasty
7.3.3. Analyze the influences of Confucianism and changes in Confucian thought
7.5.1. Describe the significance of Japan’s proximity to China and Korea and the intellectual, linguistic, religious, and philosophical influence of those countries on Japan.
7.5.3. Describe the values, social customs, and traditions prescribed by Japan’s feudal system
7.5.5. Study the ninth and tenth centuries’ golden age of literature, art, and drama and its lasting effects on culture today, including Murasaki Shikibu’s Tale of Genji.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RH.6-8.1: Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RH.6-8.2: Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate summary of the source distinct from prior knowledge or opinions.
Day 1: Confucian writings on the role of women.
Introduction: Two clips from Mulan-
Ready to meet Matchmaker: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yLhKyqqKSYY
With the Matchmaker: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0SpN1gO6dJM
Teacher plays two clips and asks students, ¿Cuáles son las expectativas para Mulan de parte de su familia y cultura? ¿Por qué es tan importante que se case bien? ¿Cuál hubiera sido la expectativa si ella fuera hombre?
Direct instruction: En la antigua China, se creía que uno seguía vivo después de su muerte, como ancestro de los vivos. Entonces, era importante continuar la línea familiar, de abuelo a padre a hijo a nieto, siempre pasando el nombre familiar por medio del hijo. Entonces, las hijas eran menos apreciadas por sus familias, porque se casarían con un hombre y así pasarían a ser parte de la familia del esposo. Se consideraba a una mujer como una “ser incompleta” hasta casarse, tener hijos, y al final, nietos. Sólo cuando se convertía en abuela podría ser “completa.”
Durante la dinastía Han se adoptó el confucianismo como filosofía oficial de China, y luego durante la dinastía Tang, se convirtió en el Neo-confucianismo, mezclando idea budistas y taoístas con las otras ideas tradicionalmente confucianistas. Vamos a ver cómo esto se desarrolló en China, y cuál fue su efecto sobre el papel de la mujer en China. En los próximos días, veremos su influencia en Corea y Japón.
Guided instruction: Teacher projects sayings, one at a time, for partners to discuss:
Teacher leads brief whole-class discussion: ¿Cuál parece ser la actitud en la Antigua China hacia el papel de la mujer? (Students answer and provide evidence from the citations) ¿Cómo vimos esto en la historia de Mulan? … ¿Cuál es la otra parte de Mulan? ¿Qué hace ella que no es común para las mujeres? ¿Por qué se ve como héroe? Students should be able to identify that Mulan’s story is unique because she takes on a man’s role, but from an American viewpoint, may not recognize the heroism as one of filial piety. This should be highlighted at the end of the lesson.
Partner work/independent practice: Teacher provides stories of Mencius’ mother for students to read and analyze together.
Alternatively, students might watch this brief video explaining the stories. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uTvT7DmmUjI&t=31s ***However, it would be important to note that the images projected are a mix of Chinese and Japanese art.
Students read and summarize stories together. Then, together they write a paragraph or two explaining how these stories show value of women in Chinese culture. The teacher might give the following prompt(s):
¿De qué manera muestran las historias de la madre de Mencio el valor y la importancia de la mujer en la cultura china? ¿Cómo se compara esto con los dichos que leímos, y con la historia de Mulan? ¿Cuál es la importancia de la familia y de la educación en la cultura tradicional china?
Closure: Whole class discussion on value of women in traditional Chinese and Confucian culture. How do they think these values have influenced Chinese and other Asian cultures over time? *Teacher should be sure to reinforce concepts of filial piety and eternal life as an ancestor, as well as patriarchal societies. This might also be a good time to consider if this seems significantly different to medieval European, Islamic, or colonial North American values.
Day 2: The 3 queens of Silla
Introduction/Accessing Prior Knowledge: Partners review traditional Chinese views of the role of women in society.
Then teacher projects image of Queen Seondeok of Silla, Korean peninsula, 632-637.
https://images.app.goo.gl/JQUK8PMQBukCCXsX6 The caption says La primera reina de Corea. This should make students understand there were more than one queen in Korea.
Direct Instruction: El reino Silla de Corea tuvo tres reinas. Van a leer un artículo sobre ellas y tomar apuntes. Después hablaremos como clase sobre lo que entendieron.
Independent or Guided Practice: Students will read article about queens of Korea. I prefer this article for accessibility to students:
http://han-association.com/2017/06/07/seondeok-la-primera-reina-corea/ However, it should be noted that the citations are not very reliable, and reliable citations are either difficult to find or difficult to read.
Students might read independently, with a partner, or as shared reading with the teacher, depending on the reading level of the class. If shared reading, teacher should model annotation skills. Otherwise, it is assumed students have been taught this skill and will be practicing it here.
Whole class discussion:
Closure: Teacher Summarizes: Antes del Siglo XVII, las mujeres en Corea tenían más autonomía que en China o Japón. No se mudaban con la familia del esposo, no se cambiaban de nombre, y seguían siendo parte de su propia familia. Se podían divorciar y casarse de nuevo, y podían heredar dinero o tierra. No era necesario tener hijos para mantener la familiar. El budismo era la religión principal. Pero en el Siglo XVII China conquistó la península de Corea, y con esto impusieron valores confucianistas: las mujeres se iban con la familia del marido, sobresalió la cultura patrilineal, se hizo más importante tener hijos que hijas, y bajó el estatus de la mujer. (Jung-Kim, 2019)
Day 3: Murasaki Shikibu and The Tale of Genji.
Introduction: Quick-write or partner talk- ¿Qué libros conocen todos tus compañeros? ¿Por qué son importantes estos libros? ¿Quiénes son sus autores?
Teacher asks for students to share out regarding the influence of well-known authors. If it is not brought up in this discussion, the teacher might suggest J.K. Rowling as a well-known and influential author they all know- even if students haven’t read the Harry Potter series, they are surely familiar with its basic premise. Discuss how these books have influenced at least one generation on a global scale, written by a divorced unemployed woman trying to get a break in the writing world. The teacher might also want to discuss Rowling’s overarching theme, if time permits.
Direct instruction: Durante el periodo Heian de Japón, una mujer de la corte imperial escribió un libro basado en la vida de corte que veía a su alrededor. Su libro, El relato de Genji, se convirtió en la primera novela del mundo. La autora, Murasaki Shikibu, escribió esta novela en japonés, aunque el idioma oficial de la corte era chino. Pero la gente comúnmente hablaba japonés, y las mujeres sólo hablaban japonés.
Independent or Guided Practice: Students read introduction (pp. 1-7) to El relato de Genji in this digital version. https://isaimoreno.files.wordpress.com/2015/04/la-novela-de-genji-murasaki-shikibu.pdf They should practice taking notes on the importance of this author and the work.
Whole class: Review importance of novel and author, as described by text read. Discuss importance of this work having been written by a woman in feudal Japan. Who would read it? Even though it is about the prince, many women in the court have important roles in the novel. Why does this matter? Were women important in Japan?
Independent Practice: Students read and annotate section from McGraw-Hill Study Guide (See attached JPG image from Medieval and early modern times. Student workbook, Spanish edition. (2006). New York: Glencoe/McGraw-Hill.) Teacher might instruct students to look specifically for evidence of women being oppressed or submissive, and evidence where women were respected or had power.
Closure: Share out and discuss whether women in traditional Japan were more limited or more powerful, based on the information they have currently, and how they compare to China and Korea.
4. Assessment: At the end of the Asia unit, students will write traveler journal entries from the perspective of a European or African traveler in China, Korea, or Japan around 1000 E.C. As part of these entries they should include observations on religion, commerce, food and culture, and daily life, including roles of men, women, and children. They should write in a first person narrative style, and avoid modern conventions as much as possible.
Proyecto: Viaje a Asia en el año 1000
Tu narrativo de viajero debe tener 3 entradas de alrededor de 200 palabras. Debe incluir:
See attached JPG file for Rubric.
Works Cited:
Jung-Kim, J. (2019, August 6). Evolving Conceptions of Gender in South Korea. Lecture presented at Gender and Generation in Asia in USC US-China Institue, Los Angeles.
La historia de las 3 mudanzas de la madre de Mencio. BLes.com. (2018, December 29). 3 Mil Mundos. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uTvT7DmmUjI&t=31s
Madrid, H. (2017, June 07). Seondeok: La primera reina de Corea • Han-A Madrid. Retrieved from http://han-association.com/2017/06/07/seondeok-la-primera-reina-corea/
Medieval and early modern times. Student workbook, Spanish edition. (2006). New York: Glencoe/McGraw-Hill.
Mulan: Honra nos darás [castellano]. Disney. 1998. (2016, July 18). Retrieved from Ultimate Productions. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yLhKyqqKSYY
Mulán-la casamentera. [castellano] Disney. 1998. (2018, May 07). Mayo Brito. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0SpN1gO6dJM
Reese, L. (n.d.). Confucian Inspired Sayings. Women in World History Curriculum Retrieved from http://www.womeninworldhistory.com/lesson3plus.html
Shikibu, M. (2012, August 5). La historia de Genji[PDF]. EBooks con Estilo. https://isaimoreno.files.wordpress.com/2015/04/la-novela-de-genji-murasaki-shikibu.pdf
Vision Times en Español. (2014, October 12). Famosos de la Antigua China: La madre de Mencio - Vision-Times-en-Español. Retrieved from https://es-visiontimes.com/famosos-de-la-antigua-china-la-madre-de-mencio/