I was surprised to learn from this article that Japan uses a significant amount of coal.
The article states that, “Coal burning is one of the biggest single sources of carbon dioxide emissions” in japan. Furthermore, it goes on to say that the policy of building more coal burning plants is contrary to Japan’s goal of reducing carbon dioxide omissions.
The article suggests that Japanese policymakers decided to move away from nuclear power, and towards coal, due to the Fukushima disaster. However, there appears to be significant public pressure in Japan against more coal burning power plants.
I would ask my students to do a research project in order to seek answers to the following tasks/questions:
1) Investigate the types of energy sources that are currently used in Japan to generate electricity.
2) investigate the sources of support and opposition to coal burning power plants?
3) Are Japanese policymakers actively promoting (or investing in) alternative sources of energy not involving nuclear power?