Home Forums Core Seminars East Asia Origins to 1800, Spring 2019 Session #1 - March 2 (morning), Clay Dube

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    Is the end of the rice age directly linked to the younger members preferring wheat products or is it that there is a new era where rice isn't seen too nutritious anymore. Rice was part of many asian communities but the world overall is tryng to get away from processed foods, carbs and more into lean fats and good carb grains such as quinoa, lentils, brown rice compared to white rice, which I assume the end of the rice age is more directly linked to. A new trend has been on eating more nutritious foods and not foods that will only keep you full for longer periods of time. 


    The dispute over the sea between Japan and Korea was interesting indeed. I was surpised to hear that they couldn't agree on an specific name in order to allow the rest of the world be able to have consistency for the future when referring to the japanese or korean sea. 

    NASA's map of North Korea made me wonder how would Africa look at night compared to South America or Europe, the neighboring continents. We do not think much about it, but this night picture of North Korea also makes me value the lights at night we in America have throughout the nation daily. 

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