Home Forums Core Seminars Rise of East Asia, Fall 2017 Session 1 Reading

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    Manchu Rule



    The mysteries about the Chinese attire that have been caricaturize over the years in the media, the hair and dress style were derived from the Manchu ruling in China. As stated by the author Lentz Cheng in The Search for Modern China; A Documentary Collection it stated that the “Manchu leaders decided before the taking of Pekin that China subjects should wear their hair in the Manchu tribal style. The hair was to be shaved to the middle of the skull with the remaining hair pulled back around “cash-shaped” circle of the scalp and braided as it grew. Former Ming subjects who resisted this order symbolizing submission to China’s new Manchu rules did so at the risk of their lives” This hair style has long been ridiculed and caricatured throughout the years in the American culture. This simple act of a hairstyle that was imposed of private citizens was cruel that has been long misunderstood. This information is fascinated to learn the historical back ground on hairstyle. This hairstyle was stopped with the Qing collapsed and many people decided to change their hairstyle. The officials had stick order that “…the continuation of the Ming system and not following the system of our dynasty will be executed without possibility of pardon. As for other apparel, unhurried change is permitted, but cannot differ from the system of out dynasty” order were dispatched throughout provinces to civil and military household without exceptions.  One cannot think of other political leaders in European nations that seem to get inspired by this rigorous ruling in China.

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