Home Forums session 1 readings, 3/16

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    I don't know if anyone can help me with this, but I am trying to post a web review, however every time I try to add it; I get a massage " Posting to this forum is restricted" can anyone help?


    This episode of 60 minutes talks about our dependence an the value of Rare Earth Element that we have with China. This has developed into a dependency of our weapon system. One of these minerals is europium and some magnetic elements that can be found on our cell phones, computers and iPads.


    http://kids.asiasociety.org/ This is cool website for kids !! I want to use this for my review but I have not been able to add this link to the web review forum! HELP


    The LA Times festival. The Buddhist booth had so many books about this topic and they were happy to share all these books, they were FREE. Some of the tittles are Everything We Do Matters, What is Buddhism, The Four Noble Truths and To Understand Buddhism.


    The Four Noble Truths by: Ajahn Sumedho
    The first Nobel Truth: Denial if suffering, pleasure and displeasure
    The Second Nobel Truth: Three kids of desire
    The Third Nobel Truth: Realization
    The Fourth Nobel Truth: Harmony
    If any of these topics look interesting to anyone feel free to borrow the book. I also have an extra copy if anyone is interested.


    Visit from Japan’s Prime Minister to the US some of the points to talk about are:

    • The United States and Japan are leading efforts to set the rules for trade and investment, both in the Asia Pacific region and around the world.
    • Both countries would continue to work together to set high standards for trade in the 21st century, and to coordinate closely on transitioning to low-carbon economies and fighting climate change.
    • President Obama also congratulated the Prime Minister for Japan’s efforts to bring more women into the workforce, and to let all girls learn
    edited by sbeltran on 5/7/2015


    President Obama and Prime Minister Abe press conference:
    edited by sbeltran on 5/7/2015


    The tea ceremony on our last class was great! I have never been part of such experience and I hope that sometime in the future they can visit our classroom.

    I was able read a little more on this subject:. Seven-point theory of the Japanese tea ceremony:
    There were seven important elements in all the motions in making and serving tea..

    These elements are called “Tencha Shichi Yo”
    (Tencha: making and serving tea, Shichi: seven, Yo: element).

    1.Established positioning
    2. Body formation
    3. Carriage
    4. Continuity in motion
    5. Tempo
    6. Strength of body and limbs
    7. Suitable nobility


    Last Saturday’s class was very interesting. Last week my students had an art project where they painted cheery blossoms. However, I didn't know much of the history behind it. Having an expert on this field highly impacted the way I view those blossoms now. The significance of the cherry blossom tree in Japanese culture goes back hundreds of years. But I didn't know that they were not native to the country. “the cherry blossom represents the fragility and the beauty of life. It's a reminder that life is almost overwhelmingly beautiful but that it is also tragically short


    China sees itself as second to none as it colonizes Africa and South America for its rare earth. However, it finds itself having to deal with a very powerful neighbor bordering on its south, India. There is no love lost between the two powers. It is at best a relationship of tolerance for one another. China will have to learn to "play well" with its very powerful neighbors.


    China has weathered its rapid industrialization in a period of ten years. Through it, it has been accused of manipulating its currency to attract economically favorable trading partners. It probably has the largest middle class in the world, but China, like many other countries, is experiencing a slight downturn in its economy. Many wealthy Chinese are leaving for the United States. During this time of economic transition, China is tightening its political power - leaving many Chinese afraid of what the future holds for their homeland.


    Continued military exercises over the South China Sea has upset China. Most recently, a Japanese military patrol plane circled above disputed parts of the South China Sea. Surveillance planes circled above energy rich areas claimed by both China and the Philippines. This area is also above the Spratly islands where China is building man-made islands. Japan's involvement in these operations with the Philippines may be seen by China as support of ownership claims by the Philippines. Manila's separate military drills with the US is also not viewed favorably by China. This dispute has been going on since the late 1940's. China claims about 90% of the China sea.


    East Asia geography and demography - The attached readings cover issues present in contemporary Japan, South Korea, and China. What other issues have you heard about in the news? What are the key population trends? What are the key resource issues? What, if any, progress has been made in battling environmental degradation? How might such discussions be incorporated into the courses you teach?

    Migration to/from/within East Asia - Please take a look at migration trends for South Korea and Japan at these OECD pages:

    OPTIONAL: Urban China - new world bank report - The World Bank and a Chinese government research center just released a big report on the state of China's transition from a primarily rural to a primarily urban country. It's too big (20 mb) to attach, but is available as a free download. The report is rich in data and charts.

    A video introduction is available at: http://www.worldbank.org/en/country/china/publication/urban-china-toward-efficient-inclusive-sustainable-urbanization

    Chinese Philosophy readings attached
    edited by cgao on 3/18/2015

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