China in the screen.
China has been taking an important prestigious place in the film production industry in recent years. Some Chinese companies have been associating with important studios such as 20 Century Fox, Sony Pictures and AMC Entertainment. The potential market for these companies it is very promising, as proved in the first decade of the XXI century, considering the large population of China, the main idea is to get into the movie business and at same time display to the world the beauties of the modern way of life in China.
Disney Industries is one of the most important associated to the Chinese Entertainment, giving an important space to China on their Parks, celebrating Chinese festivities such as Chinese New Year celebration all around the world.S
One of the advantages of taking this seminar is that I become more aware of the influence China plays in our daily lives. One of the aspects is the film industry. I was waiting for a movie to come out and when I went to the theatre one of the biggest surprises I got was the fact that it was distributed by the company "H Brothers" a chinese brand. Also, one of the main characters was a chinese actor and obviously he was representing a chinese character with a very positive role. This movie was a teen movie and after that I got to pay more attention to the companies that distribute, or produce movies because I believe there is more influence from the Chinese companies in the western world.