Home › Forums › Summer Institutes › Crossing Boundaries in East Asia, Summer 2020 › Session 3 (August 3) - Dru Gladney, Pomona College
I did a unit on "Identity" in my 9th Ethnic Studies class that is very similar to your beginning of the year lesson. My students and I enjoyed this unit because it allowed my students to learn about their heritage. It was a two-part lesson: the first part was to create a family tree then the second part was to interview family members. As a class, we discussed different types of interview questions ranging from their family member's struggles coming to America to their lives in America today. What amazed me the most was how willing they were to share their stories. This activity provides a platform for students to share their stories and to build bridges in the class.
I have to admit I have no knowledge of Shenyun besides seeing their billboards along the freeways. I thought Shenyun was a government-funded show to promote the greatness of Chinese culture. It turns out to be the exact opposite. Falun Gong created this show not just for profit but "to demonstrate the evils of China's communist party and its beliefs. The show is fervently anti-atheist, anti-evolution, anti-Mao Zedong, and anti-Karl Marx." But the part about harvesting organs of these "dissents" is so horrific I cannot even wrap my mind around it. I fear this might be the case for the Uyghurs too. https://www.insider.com/shen-yun-show-falun-gong-2019-3.
I came across this article by the Insider, "This map shows a trillion-dollar reason why China is oppressing more than a million Muslims." This article is an easy read for high students about the real reason for the persecution and imprisonment of millions of Uyghurs by the Chinese government. By analyzing the provided map, students are also able to form their conclusion on the Belt Road Initiative and its connection to the ill-treatment of the Uyghurs. There are also other links provided in the article for students who want to research further on the subject.
The current pandemic the world is currently experiencing has had devastating effects across social, economic, and political levels. China's economic strategy, the Belt and Road Initiative isn't an exception. Just liek the rest of the world, some aspects of the BRi, if not all had to be placed on hold until the pandemic is over, and the new normal can resume. In the artcle, the author mentions that it would take some time to determine the damge doene to the economy by Covid-19, it could be anywhere from minimal to drastic. The BRI is another example of crossing boundaries, the economic projects invilve other Asian and European countries, who will face tough economic decisions in the near future.