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I know many leaders of the countries on this map have had some education in the 'western' world as their wealth and privilege has allowed for this. If not a formal education, definitely time spent studying and traveling. They are not unaware. I still wonder if we are going to see any of the Swiss education the current NK leader received come through....at least that was my hope! He definitely is not unaware!
So more recently there were reports that there was a first case reported in North Korea - a case that was brought by a person who had defected a few years ago to South Korea but returned for some reason. Now, is this what we believe? With the lack of travel in and out of the country, I find it plausible. But there is a population of people who cross the northern border to buy supplies to bring back to to North Korea to sell on the black market. There is potential of exposure there. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-northkorea/who-says-north-koreas-covid-19-test-results-for-first-suspected-case-inconclusive-idUSKCN2511CG
I had to look up if Kim Jung-un has kids because I had no idea. He definitely controls the media on this one. The title of this article...that there are three possible heirs. https://www.businessinsider.com/kim-jong-un-heirs-what-we-know-2017-12#most-sources-agree-that-kim-and-his-wife-have-had-three-children-since-their-secretive-marriage-in-2009-1
In the article by Robin Wright, " The Trump-Kim summit," discussed the first meeting between the two world leaders. Trump is full of contradictions and nothing really was achieve from this summit. I find it diffciult to take Trump seriously when a few months before the summit he was threating North Korea witgh "fire and fure," then he is complimenting Kim. Wright mentions trhat in the meeting he agreed to cancel regular schedule military exercises that had helped keep South Korea safe, he seems to not have a clue on the consequences of his actions. In repeated occasion he has shown what seems like admiration for the North Korea's leader, even invited him to the White House. At least as mentioned in the article, he wants Nortn Korea to give up their nuclear weapons.
This reading by Anthony Khun, "South Korea Women "Escape the Corset," it's a complete contrast to the other reading on plastic surgery and the pressure Korean women faced to conform to their country's beauty standards. Khun, mentiones a gallery of photographs that showcase Korean women going against beauty standards and cutting their hair, and wearing little to no make up at all. In the interview, women mention to feel liberated, for women to love them selves as they are, not by how they are seen by others. I totally agree with this message. A woman is a human being not a barbie, not an object to be loved because of its beauty, but for who they are.