I found it interesting that Mito school was in part in charge of compiling the history of Japan and evolved to power of political doctrine for the country. I think Aizawa was concerned that the threat to the country was Christianity, not military. He thought the traditional teachings of the people were corrupt by shamans, Buddhism, and Confucianism. He feared his people were selfish with no concern for the nation, lacked strong leaders, and would be easily tricked by the barbarians. I found humor in his statement that his people will be wearing wool and eating dogs, because there is an underlining truth. When a country has been invaded, the people are imposed to adopt the ways of their conquerors. He wanted to preserve the national policy of loyalty to the emperor. Shozan was forced out of his position because he wanted to use Western military technology to strengthen the country was unfair. It was clear in his eight point program that he wanted to seclude and protect Japan.