Home › Forums › Core Seminars › East Asia Since 1800, Fall 2018 › Session 5 - Clay Dube, 10/13 morning
I cant help but correlate this witht the War on Drugs launched by the Philippine President Duterte. This has been very controversial even in the eyes of the internatioanl community for the Human Rigths violation. It is summarily excuting end users and retailers without due process and letting go and allegedly protecting the wholesellers and sources of drugs from China. President Duterte's family is also allegedly behind the protection of the big chinese drug suppliers in the Philippines. He has strong friendship whith the China despite its agression it the Philippine territorial sea.
Yes and very important to make the student understand the real meaning of development and what are the indicators behind it. Development studies is an whoistic look at a nations history, politics, economics and sociology. It analyzes the meaning of development by looking at different paradigms or perspective in looking at development. Yes, Developnet is broader than growth in that development has to be sustainable. One has to have a clear understanding a the nation's history in order to understand the paradigm of development they are trying to pursue. Third World countries for example, who were formenr colonies of the First World countries whould understably go for Modernaization Paradigm completely abandoning their agricultural topography in the name of development. This will result to more displacement and favoring only few rich people/politicians. This politicians will then be responsible in following the Dependency Paradigm which allows them to collaborate with formenr colonial master thereby protecting their own politicala nd economic interests.
While I agree with you Kim on your critic about Xu Zhengkeng 2 years in America and his strong and sweeping generalizations about its people, I find some truths ans even share with him on some of his observations. As a Capitalist country, I think he is right about how americans value Money which is why we cherish time. From someone who came from a more laid back poor Third Word country, I find this to be true and while Its stressing me out tremendously, I am slowly assimilating the culture already. However, I am somewhat reluctant about his thing about Americans being superstitious and he used examples that we asians strongly believed. I think with our materialism and out concept of time being essential and eveil that we need to seize, we do not have time for superstitions.
While Marx and Engels popularized the call for all working men of the world to unite in order to awaken the proletariat in their revoluton agaisnt the bourgoisie, Mao also succeded in suing this in his People's revolution. Mao made the workers realized that they have nothing to lose but their chains so they do not have to be afraid to join the revolution for their liberation agains oppression. His "service to the people" inculcate to the heart and mind of the chinese revlolutionaries the primordial cause of the people in their cultural revlolution. He succeded in calling for the loyalty to the revlutionary line whih also means loyalty to Mao Zedong.