Home Forums Teaching About Asia Forums Asia in My Classroom Session #7 by Luis M. Camacho

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  • #6459
    Luis Camacho

    In this session we watched the documentary “We the Workers”. A film made with original footage from the time when the workers were organizing to make public demonstrations pursuing fairness and a way to improve their work conditions.

    We had the privilege to have the director of the film in our classroom to extend and confirm some of the most important details of the documentary and listen directly from him about this important part of the history of China. The direct conversation that Mr. Hondong, the director of the documentary, had with the class was extremely valuable to give us a closer and more accurate perspective of the situation of workers in China just few years ago.

    I personally had the experience of spending five weeks working in a textile factory in the city of Ningbo, back in the year 2000, the year of the Dragon.

    Since the first day at the factory I noticed a huge difference in the labor conditions that the Chinese workers had compared with the workers on the US. But at same time, I was amazed about the pride and dedication that the Chinese people place at performing their work. I learn to appreciate the nationalism that they reflect in every single activity they do. I feel glad that all these positive changes had become for the Chinese workers after all these years of fight.

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