Congratulations, Darlene!
You managed to post twice! To put content posts up, please look at the blue "tree" of links above the main forum area. You'll see something like
Teaching about Asia Forums > Torrance 2005 Seminar > Re: test zone
Each one of these is clickable. To go to the Torrance seminar list of topics, click on it. To go to all the "Teaching" forums, click on it. For your internet article, you could click on the Torrance link, then click new thread, then your new thread could be entitled "Contemporary China" and your first post would be to discuss the LA Times article you mentioned.
For those interested in net trends in Asia, please take a look at It is our daily digest of reports. You can search for specific countries and topics.
Earlier this year, we published an article by CNN reporter Rebecca McKinnon entitled "Let a thousand internet filters bloom." Read it at: