Hi Folks,
Let's use this area of the forum to share strategies and resources for web page construction.
[I sent this out by email, but some may not have received it.]
Your disk has a newer version of the software than what I described in the “Using Composer” guide. The changes in the software are not significant, but one may cause some trouble.
You need to install either the Mozilla or Netscape _SUITE_. Simply having the Netscape browser (called Navigator) is not enough.
Here’s how to do it:
1. Insert the cd into your cd drive.
2. Some computers will display the contents of the cd automatically, for others you’ll need to use My Computer (Windows) or Finder (Mac). Once you’ve got the contents displayed, click on the appropriate folder (either mac or windows).
3. You’ll see a Mozilla file (labels/numbers differ, but they start with Mozilla). Click on it to launch the installation of Mozilla.
4. Follow the installation directions provided by the program. You need to install the Suite, though you won’t use mail and some other components.
5. After installing Mozilla (you may need to restart your computer), start the program by clicking on your desktop icon or using:
Windows computers: START => All Programs => Mozilla
Macs: Macintosh HD => Applications => Mozilla
6. By default, the program opens with the Mozilla web browser, which is called Mozilla Navigator (yes, just like Netscape). On the menu bar at the top of the window, find WINDOW. Click on it to see the different components of the Mozilla Suite. Click on Composer to open your web page editor.
You’ll find that Composer looks and works very much like a word processor. The Using Composer guide should help you as you experiment with building your web page.
If you run into installation problems, you may wish to download the latest version of Mozilla to your computer. This takes some time as the download file is more than 10 mb in size. Over a fast connection, it will take a few minutes.
Go to http://www.mozilla.org/products/mozilla1.x/
At this site you can also download guides to using the software.
Here's the official Mozilla guide:
Most people will find it quicker to install the software from the provided cd-rom. [Edit by="Clay Dube on Oct 2, 9:29:42 AM"][/Edit]
I have Mozilla Firefox. How different is it from just "Mozilla"?. Or does it matter? Please let me know.
Hi Reza,
Since no one else commented, I thought I should -- Mozilla is the organization that produces both browsers. They are different products. Mozilla is a suite (email, browser, and web composer) whereas Firefox is the best and fastest browser available. For details: