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    Catherine--VERY nice....love the little dreamy color figures on the black background. Think the graphics
    would 'entice' the kids to keep moving thru.


    safari wouldn't write the java script for the link so i reposted in I.E.[Edit by="cforfar on Aug 31, 5:17:02 PM"][/Edit]


    i re-worked a Tao Te Ching lesson from a few years back that only used handouts and the book.

    i extended the lesson by including Confucius in the mix, changing the activity, and adding an internet segment. It was interesting to me while there were 1000's of possible links to references about the philosophers and oracle bones, the numbers came to a trickle if one was looking for info about these
    for kids .

    i re-wrote 'Tao Te Ching' as "Dao De Jing" but realized this might confuse the students as almost
    all web sites use the pin-yin spelling not to mention their text or the ca. standards. so i rewrote them again...

    for those interested in the new South Gate International School, the link 'SGILC' on that same page will take u to the site i made for us as we are not connected to the network yet.


    clay dube

    Chris has come up with some real conversation-starters for his lesson. I love the background and the nice mix of text and images. I think most of his students are going to ask about the zodiac animals, though, ahead of probing the Dao.



    Hi everyone. I just posted my web page and it works. Please go to the following address and have a look. Any comments would be appreciated.


    I also posted my "Vietnam Trip" to Asia in the Classroom. It is quite long so I wrote it in WORD and then copied it to the editor in the Forum. It looked fine in the editor, but when I either sent it to the Preview or Posted it all the single quotes and double quotes were changed to question marks. I had to find them and remove them by hand in the editor. This took a long time.

    Today I tried saving texts with single and double quotes in WORD, TextRich Format, and MS Dos With Line Breaks. If I save the text in MS Dos with Line Breaks the double quotes transfer, but the single quotes still come out as question marks. Any suggestions.

    Ron Walcott[Edit by="rwalcott on Sep 17, 7:50:02 AM"][/Edit]
    [Edit by="rwalcott on Sep 17, 7:51:00 AM"][/Edit]


    Hi Ron,
    I tried to look at your website, however the URL is incorrect! It should be http://www.international.ucla.edu/asia/lessons/rwalcott. Looks good! Hope this helps.

    Larry Krant[Edit by="lkrant on Sep 16, 9:38:21 AM"][/Edit]



    Thanks for looking. You are right about the address.

    Could you take another look at my web page. I would like to fix it up this weekend and I do not think that it is quite there yet in term of connecting with students.

    Ron Walcott


    The drumming portion looks like a pictures of an event. The participants should enjoy the pictures. I presume that you are more interested in comments on the website.

    The website lessons seems very comprehensive, however I thought it was directed to a more sophisticated audience. The amount of reading necessary and writing style could be a turn off to kids. Without dumbing it down, I might want to simplify the content.

    I do not know if this is helpful. Good luck

    Larry Krant



    Thank you very much for the helpful comments. Tonight I reviewed all the web pages submitted so far. I think some do quite well at addressing the students. I’m thinking of the pages by Chris Forfar, Ed Shorer, and Sally Yamada. My page speaks more to the teacher. I need to write a supplement to my web page that the students can use.

    Ron Walcott


    Hi Ed,

    I enjoyed your web page and want to borrow some ideas for mine. The links to Popular East Asia web sites were fantastic. I really liked the way that you put a small image next to the words that you click. Your idea of making the page something that is integral to the completion of your lesson plan is something that I should do. Also, I will borrow your idea of including a link to my middle school and my personal e-mail address.

    Would you please take a look at my web page and tell me what you think.

    Ron Walcott


    Hi Sally,

    I need to borrow some ideas from your fantastic web page. Your page is copyrighted. What a good idea. Also you include your e-mail address and the source of photos for the home page. I especially liked your inspired use of scenarios as writing prompts. I am trying to think how I could incorporate your idea in my lesson plan.

    Ron Walcott


    Hi Chris,

    I was inspired by your web page. I had no idea that you teach World Music Drumming. Your lesson plan seems to speak to students. Mine does not and needs extending.
    Any comments that you might have about my page would be appreciated.

    Ron Walcott


    I just made an addition to my web page. It is an interview with Richard Ross, a friend of mine who works in the Foreign Service. I posted segments of the interview as quicktime clips. I would like to be able to control where the clips are located on the web page. At present they are positioned in the top left corner. Do you have any suggestions?

    The page is located at the following address:


    Ron Walcott

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